Ghee butter


5 eur


5 eur


5 eur

Naročila izdelkov sprejemamo po povpraševanju!

V kontaktni obrazec nam napišite katere izdelke in količino bi želeli naročiti, ter vaše kontaktne podatke. Poslali vam bomo predračun in po prejetem plačilu odposlali pošiljko.

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    Naročila odpošiljamo dvakrat tedensko, in sicer v sredo in petek. Naročila, oddana in plačana do torka do 12. ure, oddamo v sredo, tista, ki pa jih prejmemo do četrtka do 12. ure, pa odpošljemo v petek. Hvala za razumevanje in vaše zaupanje.

    All the herbs, berries and roots that we use to make our unique homemade products (teas, liqueurs, syrups, soaps etc.), are being picked in the local environment of Jezersko between 900 and 2000 metres above sea level. In the valley of Jezersko grow more than 1200 plant species. That’s why we call this unspoiled area a real paradise for picking herbs. All our products are made with lots of love and positive energy. Herbal liqueurs contain only high-quality schnapps and pure spring water from Jezersko. We deeply respect nature and are grateful for all the gifts it gives us. We also always keep that in mind when picking herbs, roots and berries. And we are positive that everyone who will try our products will feel the same way too.